DIY Video: Air-Cooled Porsche 911 Bosch CIS Airboxes
Here is video crash course into CIS airboxes, OE Porsche and aftermarket.

DIY Videos: How To Adjust Fuel Mixture on Porsche 911 Bosch CIS K-Jetronic Fuel Injection
Here is a pair of videos explaining how to adjust your fuel mixture on nearly every normally aspirated Porsche 911 running CIS.

DIY Video: How To Setup Initial Fuel Mixture For Porsche 911 CIS K-Jetronic Fuel Injection
Translation: Here is a detailed video explaining how to get your engine to start after a major CIS overhaul.

DIY Video: Air-Cooled Porsche 911 DIY Fuel Pressures Check For Bosch CIS K-Jetronic
Here is a detailed video explaining how to check your Porsche 911’s fuel pressures on CIS cars.

DIY Video: Air-Cooled Porsche 911 DIY Smoke Test Vacuum Leak Check
Here is a detailed video explaining how to check your Porsche 911’s induction system for vacuum leaks using a smoke tester.

DIY: How To Replace the CIS Intake Boot on a Classic Air-Cooled Porsche 911
If you are tuning your CIS K-Jetronic equipped Porsche 911 you will likely need to replace your old rubber intake boot to eliminate troublesome vacuum leaks. This is a very quick procedure that will make your fuel system more robust.

DIY: Oxygen Sensor Replacement on a Classic Air-Cooled Porsche 911
If you are chasing emissions issues on your Porsche 911 you may find yourself needing to replace the oxygen sensor. Read on to find out how to do this quickly.

Porsche 911 Engine First Startup & Break-in
My little engine takes its first breath.

Porsche 911 CIS Reassembly Part 2
We are closing out this Rube Goldberg fuel system rebuild today.

Porsche 911 CIS Reassembly Part 1
Time to put this 500-piece fuel system puzzle back together.