Original Product: Air-Cooled Porsche 911 Oil Cooler NACA Duct
I’m proud to introduce the released version of my G-body oil cooler NACA duct!

DIY Video: Air-Cooled Porsche 911 Bolt-In Roll Bar Installation
I dug up my old rollbar to show you guys how much of a pain it is to install.

Air-Cooled Porsche 911 Rear Window Seal Replacement
Goodbye dried-out, leaky rear window seal.

DIY: How To Replace The Headlights on a Classic Air-Cooled Porsche 911
The classic air-cooled Porsche 911 has very outdated lighting by modern standards. Increase nighttime visibility and safety with this easy DIY.

DIY: How to Replace the Shifter Bushings on an Air-cooled Porsche 911
The classic air-cooled 911 is not known for having very good shifter action. Fortunately you can replace the bushings easily and adjust it for instant improvement.

DIY: How to Rebuild the Pedal Cluster on an Air-cooled Porsche 911
If your car doesn’t seem to be doing what your feet are telling it to do, such as crunching into gear or inaccurate braking or throttle inputs, it may be time to rebuild your pedal cluster.

DIY: How to Change the Hood and Decklid Shocks on an Air-cooled Porsche 911
Stop propping your hood or deck lid with a stick because the shocks are tired. This short DIY will show you how to change them out.

Porsche 911 First Detail
This is the first time since 2015 that this old 911 gets a detail job.

DIY Video: Porsche 911 Power Window Regulator Repair
Here is a video showing how I fixed my power window regulator.

DIY Video: Porsche 911 Door Stay Repair
Here is a short video detailing how to replace door stays and reinforce damaged door sheet metal.