Porsche 911 CIS Teardown
After blueprinting my cast aluminum CIS airbox, let’s teardown the remainder of the CIS assembly and see what we have going on.
911 Aluminum CIS Airbox Rebuild
After tearing down and evaluating my cast aluminum CIS airbox, let’s cover my modifications, rebuild, and testing for this unit.
911 Aluminum CIS Airbox Teardown
So I decided to go with an aluminum CIS airbox for my engine. Lets take a closer look at it.
Porsche 911 CIS Resources
There is a lot of good documentation on Porsche 911 CIS but I had to hunt for it.
CIS Improvements
Porsche 911 CIS has a few key weaknesses that I believe can be addressed easily to result in a significantly more robust fuel system.
Why CIS?
After rebuilding my entire engine from the ground up, why on Earth would I stick the stock Bosch CIS K-Jetronic fuel system back on?
Porsche 911 Engine Wrap Up
Finally it is time to install the last engine pieces.
Porsche 911 Exhaust, Harness, and Shroud Installation
More external components were added to this deluxe air-cooled sandwich.
DIY Video: Porsche 911 Fuse Panel Upgrade
If you have been to my Instagram you will know that time functions in a non-linear fashion on this blog, much like a Quentin Tarantino movie.
DIY: Air-cooled Porsche 911 Fan Air Guide Repair
This is a very specific kind of repair, on a very specific air-cooled Porsche 911 engine part.