Porsche 911 Factory Tool Kit

DIY Video: Porsche 911 Factory Tool Kits

Here is video overview of the goodies found in most G-body 911 factory tool kits.

Note: The following information is for educational use only. Before proceeding please read my disclaimer page.

The air-cooled Porsche 911s had pretty extensive and useful factory tool kits. After spending a few years putting a complete one together for my own car, I decided to give a quick overview of the contents you will find throughout most of the G-body 911s. I go over all the pieces and the function of each.

When I was putting my own kit together, there was scattered information on the contents of these so hopefully this serves as a reference for someone doing the same for their own car.

If you would rather just buy a shiny new factory G-body tool kit, you can actually buy one directly from Porsche Classic.

Photo: Porsche Classic

1974-1982 Tool Kit

1983-1989 Tool Kit

If you are an F-body (long hood) 911 owner and want a shiny new Porsche tool kit, they have one for you too!

Photo: Porsche Classic

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