Porsche 911 Center Tunnel Fuel Lines Replacement
The chassis plumbing work continues with replacement of the center tunnel lines.
Porsche 911 28-Tube Brass Oil Cooler Upgrade
Here’s how I upgraded from a trombone to tube-style oil cooler.
Porsche 911 Oil Cooling System Rebuild
After sanitizing the oil cooling system components, it was time to put it back together.
Porsche 911 Oil Cooling System Teardown
The next mechanical system to fall to my Rage Against the Greasy Machine was the external oil cooling system.
Porsche 911 Engine Bay Cleaning and Brake System Refresh
There is a huge list of things to take care of on the car before the engine can go back in. Lets start with more cleaning and brake work.
Porsche 911 CIS Subcomponents and Testing
Time to test all my CIS subcomponents to see what still works after 37 years.
DIY Video: Porsche 911 Sunroof Rebuild
Here is a series of very long (but comprehensive) videos to show you exactly how to rebuild your non-functional sunroof.
DIY Video: Porsche 911 Shift Coupler Adjustment
Quick video to show you how to adjust your shift coupler and make your shifting extra crispy. Well, less vague anyway…
Porsche 911 CIS Clean Up
After tearing down the rest of the CIS, there was plenty of clean up work to do before figuring out what needed replacement.
Porsche 911 CIS Teardown
After blueprinting my cast aluminum CIS airbox, let’s teardown the remainder of the CIS assembly and see what we have going on.