Quick Tips: Free 3D Printable Air-cooled Porsche Stuff
Do you know someone with a 3D printer? Do you like free air-cooled Porsche stuff? Read on…

Original Product: Air-Cooled Porsche 911 Oil Cooler NACA Duct
I’m proud to introduce the released version of my G-body oil cooler NACA duct!

DIY Video: Air-Cooled Porsche 911 Bolt-In Roll Bar Installation
I dug up my old rollbar to show you guys how much of a pain it is to install.

Q1 2024 Porsche 911 Autocross
No DIY here; just me having a blast driving frenetically around cones!

DIY Video: How To Add A Fuse To The Dash Lighting Circuit On An Air-Cooled Porsche 911
Yes, you read that right. This circuit comes un-fused from the factory. Fix it asap and very easily.

DIY Video: Air-Cooled Porsche 911 LED Gauge Bulb Upgrade For Dash Gauges
If you are tired of dim, hard-to-read gauges when driving after dark, this video is for you.

DIY Video: Air-Cooled Porsche 911 Bosch CIS Airboxes
Here is video crash course into CIS airboxes, OE Porsche and aftermarket.

DIY Videos: How To Adjust Fuel Mixture on Porsche 911 Bosch CIS K-Jetronic Fuel Injection
Here is a pair of videos explaining how to adjust your fuel mixture on nearly every normally aspirated Porsche 911 running CIS.

Quick Tips: Evapo-Rust Rust Remover
The best rust remover I have ever used in the garage.

DIY Video: Porsche 911 Factory Tool Kits
Here is video overview of the goodies found in most G-body 911 factory tool kits.